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2024 ICESat-2 Applications Workshop

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland
June 3-4, 2024
Format: Hybrid


The ICESat-2 Applications Team invites the research, applied sciences, and decision-making communities to the 2024 ICESat-2 Applications *hybrid* workshop held June 3rd & 4th, 2024 at Goddard Space Flight Center (Building 34, Room W150).
We aim to bring together all end-users including ICESat-2 applications developers, satellite operators, and decision makers to discuss the current state and future needs of the community. Through this gathering we hope to foster synergies and collaborations between current and new applied users as well as data users.
The ICESat-2 Applications team invites participants interested in applying ICESat-2 data for research, resource management, decision-making, public health, and others across water resources, air quality and health, climate, disasters, ecological forecasting and other NASA Applied Sciences thematic areas. The event will encourage collaboration from individuals and organizations from diverse backgrounds including US and international universities, research organizations, government agencies, as well as the commercial, non-profit, and private sectors.
The objectives of this workshop include:
  1. Provide an overview of the status of the mission and current data products and support services from the NSIDC.
  2. Demonstrations of four data tools and resources, including icepyx, CryoCloud, OpenAltimetry, and sliderule.
  3. Build partnerships between current and new applied users as well as data users and end users.
  4. Foster synergies with between all participants, including science team members, decision makers, applied users, data users, and satellite operators.
  5. Identify potential applications or products from ATLAS data not currently under investigation.
  6. Review available tools for extracting ATLAS data.
  7. Understand the challenges faced by applied users (e.g., data accessibility, formatting), data users, end users and identify solutions.

We plan to fulfill these objectives through plenaries highlighting current and new applications and immersive thematic breakout groups to facilitate discussion. We also hope to engage new end users for ICESat-2 applications to promote further use of ATLAS data to advance society. The workshop will highlight community contributions by means of 5-minute lightning talks, which can be presented either in person or online.

The program includes:
  • Keynote presentations
  • Live panel session with Applied Users
  • Lightning talks from the community
  • Thematic discussions

The event is open to all participants and is free to attend; however, registration is required, and seats are limited! Register today to reserve your spot. Please feel free to contact the ICESat-2 Applications team ( with any questions.

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